What to Expect

Covid Protocols

Before the visit:

We ask that all patients complete a COVID Screening Questionnaire which will be sent with your appointment confirmation when you book your appointment. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, please call the clinic before your appointment for further instructions to reschedule the appointment.

Patient Arrival:

• Patients are required to wait in their car or on the outdoor waiting area until their appointment time.
• It will be mandatory for patients to wear mask.

Once they arrive at the front door, they will see a decal/sign that advises them:
• Not to enter if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms
• Maintain physical distancing while in the clinic (6 feet/2 meters)
• There is a sign upon entry asking patients to immediately sanitize their hands (approved hand sanitizer will be present at all times).
• Patients will also find a screening questionnaire at the front door, where they will be screened again for COVID-19 risk level.
• If “no” to all answers, appointment will proceed as normal.
If “yes”, the patient’s appointment will be rescheduled for 10 days later, and will be advised to call 8-1-1 or contact their medical doctor for further evaluation.

Treatment Protocol:

• Therapists must wash hands properly prior to and after each treatment. (let patient know)
• Therapists must wear a mask during treatment
• Therapists are encouraged to adapt their treatment to minimize unnecessary close contact with the patient.
• Once the treatment has concluded, therapists are required to disinfect the treatment table, any equipment that was used, door handles, light switches as well as any other surfaces that were touched/used.

Post Treatment

• Prior to exiting, patients are asked to once again sanitize their hands.

General Rules

• AHW strongly recommends paying via tap credit card or debit, or Quickbooks.
• Patients are strongly encouraged to attend their appointment on their own, unless they are with a young child or they themselves need assistance.
• Patients are asked not to bring any additional items inside the clinic. Please leave those items at home or securely locked in your vehicle.

General Procedures

• All therapists will be required to wear a mask while treating
• Sanitize anything you touch after use.
• Throughout the day, sanitize: computer, phone, square machine, door handles, washrooms, chairs and anything else that was touched or used.


• Staff, therapists and clients will be required to wear masks at all times.
• We have markers on the floor for physical distancing
• There are signs in the washroom for proper hand hygiene
• All tables and equipment will be sanitized after each appointment

Procedure for COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test:

If a patient, staff or therapists reports any flu-like symptoms, including a fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath, or other symptoms that may be indicative of COVID-19, the person will be sent home and advised to consult a medical practitioner.
If a client or one of our team members have tested positive for COVID-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, the person will be advised to self-isolate for a 14-day period.
If someone has tested positive for COVID-19 and has attended the clinic within the 14 days prior to their confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, the person should notify the clinic immediately. All scheduled/seen patients who may have been in contact with the affected individual will be notified that they should self-isolate for 14 days and seek medical advice if they display any symptoms of COVID-19. Individuals should also consult local health authorities (8-1-1) for further information as to best steps to proceed.

Before the First Appointment

Fill in the Health Intake Form available on the website, you can either email it back to us, or fill it in and bring it to the first appointment. If you would prefer you can also fill it in at the clinic before your first appointment, please arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill it out.

The first appointment (60 minutes)

What to Bring

Please bring in copies of any recent lab work or tests (blood work, X-rays, ultrasounds, etc.), medications and supplements you are currently taking, and the intake form.

In the first appointment we will have a detailed discussion about your medical history, and your current complaints, we will discuss your goals and the variety of approaches we can take to help.

Follow-up appointments (30-45 minutes)

The second visit is typically 30min – 45min and a individualized plan will be created and discussed in detail. Other things that may be recommended during this visit are physical examination, laboratory diagnostic options and/or the use of other naturopathic assessment tools.  

Acupuncture (45-60 minutes)

In Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture treatments are given in groups of 5 or 10 for maximum benefit, appointments are booked either weekly or bi weekly.

Bowen Therapy (45-60 minutes)

Bowen Therapy is booked once a week for maximum benefit, and generally 3-6 sessions are required.

Myers Cocktail, Intravenous vitamins (15min IV push, 45-60min for IV drip)

This involves a slow intravenous infusion of vitamins.